MAC Medical Warming Cabinets

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Medical warming cabinets are used in OR Departments or any location that requires warmed blankets, linens, surgical irrigation fluids, and warm, sterile intravenous (IV) fluid. If you’re looking to buy a warming cabinet in the Midwest, Ohio-Valley, or Mid-Atlantic region, PM Medical can—and will be happy to—help.

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Mac Medical Blanket Warmers

Small Single Chamber:

A small single chamber warmer is suitable for smaller needs, when you only need to warm blankets, fluids, or linings.
Small single chamber warmers are small enough to be installed on a countertop, under the counter, on a mobile cart, or recessed into the wall.

Large Single Chamber:

This unit is ideal if you have a high-volume need for warmed linens or blankets independent temperatures.

Dual Chamber:

This unit can warm blankets and fluids simultaneously because the dual-chamber allows for two independent temperatures.

Triple Chambers:

These allow for applications that require three different products warmed to their specific temperature. For example, you can warm your linens and keep two different fluids warm to the temperature needed at the same time.

Single, dual, or triple warming cabinets can stand-alone on an optional wheelbase, or recessed into the wall.

Get started on making your equipment work for you.